A Coach & Mentor
Your success in business will be determined by how well you prepare for the challenges ahead. Here's a tip: Get a mentor and start asking questions.
Heart & Soul
Our city will bloom in the presence of opportunity is my "why" statement. What is yours? What tugs at your core and drags you out of bed each day?
Coffee as a Catalyst
The Green Dragon in Boston, MA, is referred to as the "Headquarters of the Revolution". Like the name suggests, it was a place to give and get information. I'd like to try to show you how coffee can help.
Since 1993
Your Success Depends On You
I started my professional career working with individuals to discover and plan their financial futures. Later on, I realized my strengths were better put to use creating great experiences for our community to benefit.
Fast forward to today, my time is spent inspiring our incredible team to challenge our community to create our own unique culture and to produce tangible results for our city's sustainable progress.
I chose to give up my cushy bank job, full of the security my family and I depended on, to follow my desire to do more; not just for me, but for the people of Wichita. Because of this giant leap, I found out something about myself I would not have known otherwise. And now I want to inspire you.

Culture By Design
Sure, I own and operate a coffee business. A great one, for what it's worth. I love coffee and I love people even more. I'd like to build a case for how designing a business around serving people through a unique culture can create success.